Tuesday 22 January 2013

Miss Bingley's Letter of Congratulations to Jane Austen on the Event of the 200th Anniversary of "Pride & Prejudice" !!

Sorry if that title's too long ;-)

So here's Miss Bingley's letter (sorry if some of the alignment isn't quite right):

My Dear Miss Austen,                                       January 23rd
                                                                  Grosvenor Street, London
How delighted I am to hear of this joyous occasion! I must beg leave to congratulate you on the 200th Anniversary of Pride & Prejudice, your book

which, published in 1813, featuring Yours Truly as the Heroine.
It is indeed a novel which holds high in esteem most excellent morals; namely: if you act as ridiculously as any of the Bennet family, you will become a disgrace to all society, no matter how well you marry, or how rich you are.
However, if you are like ME, you will find true love (somewhere) if you persevere for the Greater Good. Oh, and also if you keep up your accomplishments. I always say that a woman can rarely be esteemed “accomplished” without having a certain something in her air, in her manner of walking, the tone of her voice – her address and expressions – and to all this she need not add anything else.
At any rate, I offer my truest congratulations on this happy occasion.
Oh! and please do reply, my dear Jane – I am sure we shall have a most delightful correspondence!
Yours ever,
Caroline Bingley.
Thanks for reading!

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